
We guarantee website users the right to choose in terms of sharing information that concerns them. Please be advised that we use cookie technology on websites, i.e. text files, to record information about which pages the user visited and what he did on them.

“Cookies” – what is it?

Cookies are “portions” of information saved by your browser. Thanks to cookies, websites remember your preferences. The cookie does not identify your personal data. A cookie has no effect on your software or hardware.

Why and how we use cookies

  • authentication
  • security
  • preferences, features and services
  • advertising
  • performance, analysis and research

How “cookies” adapt our website to the user’s needs

“Cookies” help in adapting the content of the website to the expectations of users. In turn, analytical “cookies” are used to evaluate the statistics of visits to the website. They allow us to assess what users’ likes and ratings are, and how we can improve the website for the user.

Cookies used for authentication enable e.g. easy logging in, completing forms, remembering website settings selected by the user.

How can you manage your “cookies”?

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can change your browser settings. We reserve that disabling cookies necessary for authentication, security, maintaining user preferences will make it difficult to use the website, and in extreme cases may prevent the use of websites.


To manage cookie settings, select the web browser you use from the list below and follow the instructions:

Internet Explorer

Windows Phone