Diversification of the offer of Promostal Sp. z o. o. sp.k. by launching the production of an innovative cryogenic tank and implementing the results of R&D works

project “Diversification of the offer of Promostal Sp. z o. o. sp.k. by launching the production of an innovative cryogenic tank and implementing the results of R&D works” implemented under the Regional Operational Program of the Podlaskie Voivodeship, 2014-2020, 1. Priority Axis: “Strengthening the potential and competitiveness of the region’s economy”, Measure 1.3: “Supporting investments in enterprises” .

  1. Purpose of the project:
    The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of Promostal Sp. z o. o. sp.k. on the regional, domestic and foreign markets by launching the production of an innovative cryogenic tank for storing liquid LNG, the concept of which is the result of R&D works.
  2. Planned effects:
    The result of the project will be the launch of an innovative cryogenic tank for storing liquid LNG on the market.
  3. Value of the project: PLN 24,495,840.63
  4. Contribution of European Funds: PLN 6,599,999.91