Improvement of the competitiveness of Promostal Sp. z o. o. sp.k. by increasing the production capacity of the plant and increasing employment
project “Improving the competitiveness of Promostal Sp. z o. o. sp.k. by increasing the production capacity of the plant and increasing employment” implemented under the Regional Operational Program for the Podlaskie Voivodeship, 2014-2020, 1. Priority Axis: “Strengthening the potential and competitiveness of the region’s economy”, Measure 1.5 “Supporting entrepreneurship and employment in communes whose development depends on the Natura 2000 network.
- Purpose of the project:
The aim of the project is to increase the company’s competitiveness on the regional, domestic and foreign markets by increasing the production capacity of the plant and increasing employment. - Planned effects:
The effect of the investment will be a qualitative and quantitative increase in production due to the increase in the production capacity of the company. For the needs of the project, there will also be an increase in employment in the commune, whose development is conditioned by the Natura 2000 network. - Project value: PLN 2,713,190.52
- Contribution of European Funds: PLN 1,200,000.00